Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?

I understand the basics that I need to disconnect the lug nuts off of the terminals, with the negative first and then the nuts then hold the battery bolted to the car. What I am somewhat afraid of:), since this is the first time I am doing it is to get shocked(literally) by the car's battery terminals as I am either disconnecting them or setting them to the side to take out the battery. If someone could give me some directions on how not to shock myself when I disconnect the battery terminals lug nuts as well as how and where to set the terminals(negative-positive) to the side while I put the other battery in it would be most helpful. How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?with the key off to start with this will decrease the sparks that you might see. aside from that a car battery only has 12 volts to it, not enough to feel if you put your arm across both terminals. sure if you lick a nine volt battery you feel that but that is a different type of flesh. How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?If you have not bought the battery yet take the car to Advance it there and they will change it for free. I should know, I use to work there.How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?The first thing you need to do is get out your Owner's Manual, or look one up here on the internet.

After that, you want to disconnect the ground/negative post first, and that is the one that is somehow connected to a piece of metal near the battery. The positive post is connected to the coil of your car, not the car itself, per se.

If you don't still aren't sure of how to do this, research it, read your Owner's Manual, or ask someone to show you how. Don't just go ripping wires off, and certainly don't just put them back how you think they might go. If you get them backwards you will fry and destroy your car's entire electrical system!!!!

Good Luck!

How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?there is no way to get shocked. 12 volts dont do that much damage anyways. remove the ground side or black cable first then the positive or red cable. then put the battery back in the reverse order positive first then ground.How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?I`d remove the negative terminal first. Then remove the positive terminal. Loosen and remove hold downs. When installing new battery, install hold down hardware first. Then connect positive terminal first. Next, connect negative terminal. How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?1. release the battery securing devices.

2. disconnect the stuff attached to the - battery terminal.

3. disconnect the stuff attached to the + battery terminal.

4. take battery out.

5. put new battery in place.

6. reconnect the stuff attached to the battery terminals on the new battery.

7. reattach the battery securing devices.

8. reset your stability control, radio clock, radio presets.

Thank you come again.How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?Unfasten the battery holder and remove any screws, clamps or bars holding the battery in place. Carefully lift the battery out of the car. Remember that a battery can weigh 30 to 60 pounds, or 13.5 to 27 kilos, so if you have any back problems, get a helping hand.How to change for the first time a car's battery. I have a 02 malibu.?Just dont let the battery terminals touch any metal on the car and you will be fine.