Friday, September 23, 2011

Jumpstart car and battery question?

how many times after you jumpstart a car should you replace your car battery? this is regrading a friends car. she said her bf had to jumpstart his car once before maybe last year, but we had to do it again today, i told her she should get a new battery but, she said her bf said you can do it a few times then change it. what would you think?

ps. they are also driving from california to new york in a few months, so wouldnt that make you want to get a new battery for the trip?Jumpstart car and battery question?Ask how many times she wants to be stuck ,the local parts store will check the battery for her, battery life is 2 years on low end 4year on the topJumpstart car and battery question?Your bf doesn't sound like a mechanic, either the alternator or battery are bad. Have the battery tested first and if it checks OK, then you have a bad alternator.Jumpstart car and battery question?Suggest to get the battery tested at a battery shop,they do it for free.