Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Car wont start, theft system light on?
I drive a pontiac sunfire and recently my car wont start when i try to start it in the morn. The theft system light comes on and I can wait five or ten minutes and then it will start. The book that came with the car doesn't even show a theft system light. I asked a friend and they said that I may have to change the battery to the car or alternator. This sounds extreme. I'm not sure that's true. How do I disable the theft system when I get in the car?Car wont start, theft system light on?if you are using a new key it is possible the key is not correctly electronically coded to your car.Car wont start, theft system light on?True your key does play a role in the alarm system. However low voltage from a dieing battery can reak havock on your intire electrical system. A simple call to your friendly local pontiac dealership will probably solve your problem quicker than yahoo Q %26amp; A