Wednesday, September 14, 2011
How to change a battery in a 2005 Mazda 6?
I have replaced the battery and all of the interior lights come on but the car wont start. not even tries to turn over with a jump. is there a computer chip that you need to reset or what. i bought the car used from a ford dealership and there was not a owners manual.How to change a battery in a 2005 Mazda 6?Have someone tap the starter with a hammer as you turn the key. If the starter starts to turn and the car starts, you need a new starter.How to change a battery in a 2005 Mazda 6?try tightening the cables, it sounds stupid, but It happened to me, and I tried all sorts of things before I found out it was the cable, then I felt stupidHow to change a battery in a 2005 Mazda 6?I WOULD RECHECK THE BATTERY CABLES FOR CORROSION AND FOR TIGHTNESS.