Friday, June 3, 2011

How much does it Cost to change a battery and a the belt in the engine of a car?

Labor and PartsHow much does it Cost to change a battery and a the belt in the engine of a car?It depends on the car of course but belts will cost about $10 for a %26quot;V%26quot; - belt and around $25 for a serpentine belt.

Batteries cost about $30-$80 depending on the brand and %26quot;CCA%26quot;

Labor also depends on the car and how accessible everything is, but labor at most auto shops is $60/hour and should take between 1/2 hour and 1 hour.How much does it Cost to change a battery and a the belt in the engine of a car?batteries can be anywhere from 30-80 bucks and a belt is usually liek 20-30 bucks. labor shouldnt be more that 50 or 60 bucks.How much does it Cost to change a battery and a the belt in the engine of a car?Depends on the battery.

Maybe...$100-$150? Cheaper or more expensive.

If you have ANY mechanical ability, it's almost dummy proof on many newer cars to do it yourself. The Serpentine Belt on many cars is about a 1 minute job.

There is a tensioner that you move with whatever tool it takes.

You slide the old belt off and let the tensioner back to its normal spot (it's spring loaded)

You put the new belt on in the same routing that the old one was in, minus one pulley.

You pull/push (whichever way it goes) on the tensioner to let the belt go back over that pulley.

You're done.

The battery MAY require you to hook up some other power source if you have a special radio or some alarm systems. That's not true with most vehicles. You can usually unbolt the battery cables and take off whatever is holding the battery down and reverse the procedure for putting a new one in.

This is true with most cars. But if you want to pay someone else to do it, they may charge up to a half hour labor for both jobs depending on what the book calls for. Including time to look up the right belt and battery, it may take the technician a whopping 10 minutes to change both. Then you're looking at markup prices on the battery and belt.

Worth seeing whether or not you can do it yourself on the car.How much does it Cost to change a battery and a the belt in the engine of a car?well, I dont agree 100% with the others. Serpenteen belts can go $40-50, and batteries...$40-$100 Labor may vary depending on the layout of the car. some belts take 10 min and others up to an hour....Batteries usually dont take long but you never know what you run into. I say my range for a mechanic anywhere from $80-$170 for parts(remember they mark them up from what YOU can buy them for) and $100-$170 for labor.